Hadassah Magazine Welcomes New Chair

Pointing to the very origins of Hadassah when it was founded in 1912, Ellen Hershkin, the new chair of this magazine, expressed excitement for her role by recalling that “Hadassah began as a study group of like-minded women. Hadassah Magazine is an extension of those historical underpinnings, still featuring relevant articles that stay true to the totality of our full name Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America.”
Hershkin, who took up her portfolio on January 1, is a longtime leader within HWZOA. She became a Hadassah member in 1973 and went on to lead the Dix Hills, N.Y., chapter and Suffolk region before assuming a number of national portfolios, culminating with her term as national president from 2016 to 2020. Since then, as chair of Hadassah Travel, she has been instrumental in coordinating Hadassah’s tours to Israel.
“I am very proud to have been appointed Hadassah Magazine chair,” said Hershkin, who is part of a four-generation Hadassah family. “I am likewise proud to follow my predecessor, Marlene Post.” Post, another former national president, had served as magazine chair since 2016.
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