Spies, Prisoners and Prime Ministers
Nathan Englander takes on his toughest topic and format to date—the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, wrapped in the guise of an international thriller.
Israelis Embrace Their Moroccan Cultural Roots
Israelis of Moroccan descent are traveling to the country their parents left behind, exploring their heritage and helping to sustain the remnants of Morocco's once-thriving Jewish community.
The Messy Lives and Loves of the Solomon Family
A heavy dose of sex, drug and intrigue fills Bethany Ball's humor-laced debut novel about a dysfunctional family.
Author Talk: Nicole Krauss
The award-winning novelist shares her thoughts on her new novel about a man and a woman who (separately) go to Israel to reset their lives.
Ancient Jerusalem Gets ‘Smart’
Jerusalem is slated to be the first city in Israel to install an ultra-fast wireless communications network using millimeter wave technology.
Aboard Jerusalem’s Light Rail, Look Up
Starting in September, 5,000 renderings of Jerusalem by local kindergartners were exhibited on the ceilings of the capital’s light rail trains.
Reading Myself in Another: A Look at the Life of a Prestate Tel Aviv Journalist
Living Israel’s challenge connects two writers decades apart.